Examples of Pulverization

Some representative examples of pulverization for emulsification, dispersion and crushing are shown below.

■ Emulsification

O/W Emulsification
O/W Emulsification O/W Emulsification

O/W Emulusification   O/W乳化事例


Dispersion of Hydrophilic Silica in Water
Dispersion of Hydrophilic Silica in Water Dispersion of Hydrophilic Silica in Water
Dispersion of Hydrophobic Silica in IPA
Dispersion of Hydrophobic Silica in IPA Dispersion of Hydrophobic Silica in IPA
Dispersion of Titanium Dioxide in Water
TiO2 data TiO2 data
TiO2 data


Crushing of Activated Clay

  Crushing of Activated Clay


Fracturing of Outer Shell of Pollen

◆ Functional Food
  Leads to an increase in the digestive adsorption rate.

 Fracruring of Outer Shell of Pollen

Crushing of Soy Flour

◆ Functional Food
  Leads to an improvement in the ease of consumption.

 Crushing of Soy Flour